Community Requests
Ms. Ellen’s social skills programs for students are custom-designed and bring together students from across the SF Bay Area, which allows for precision matching of students’ instructional levels. Students with mild-to-moderate needs who struggle with social isolation or bullying from all Bay Area counties are welcome. The average cost for social skills tutoring is $75 per student per week. Ms. Ellen’s priority is teaching critical thinking skills that will allow students to think for themselves and build meaningful lives rooted in family and community. She strives to embody values endemic to San Francisco Bay Area culture: modeling kindness, tolerance, inclusion and open-and-affirming acceptance of others as well as an enthusiastic appreciation of diversity. Diversity is a wealth of resources and abilities that increases community success and the ability to adapt to inevitable change as history unfolds. Ms. Ellen’s social skills programs do not involve the discussion of politics, religion or sexuality (topics that can be socially divisive). Instead, she teaches practical social skills systematically via research-based curricula that Ms. Ellen differentiates for each student so that they can find, at their own pace with the support of family, their own unique balance of authenticity and conformity for optimal peer inclusion across settings. Ongoing listings below are divided into elementary, middle school and high school social skills requests. All students in listings below have been screened by Ms. Ellen for safety and instructional reasons.
Price sharing reduces the cost of services via a small group format to $75 per student per hour. Ms. Ellen can create separate billing for each family who chooses to share payment for a social skills or tutoring series with other families. Price-sharing is billed in advance per semester and must be received in full before the first session of each semester.
Sponsor a community group or individual students.
Companies or individuals interested in donating funds to community price-sharing programs can contact Areas where funding is needed:
Sponsorship of event space for in-person social events.
Sponsorship of economically-challenged BIPOC individuals or groups.
Scholarships for any/all individual students or community groups.