
“Mindfulness provides teens with a means to pause the decision-making process so that it becomes less impulsive.” ~Ellen McCarty

Spirituality & Health national magazine, 2013


“I have developed a secret code game that allows children to first identify their mental states, then understand cause and effect by experimenting with their own actions and words and noticing how it changes their “color”… When we accept unconditionally who a person is, even when they are ‘code red’ (mad), we create the loving space they need to face the difficult work of self-change.”

~Ellen McCarty

Bay Area Parent magazine, 2012


“Ellen is gifted with children. She has the ability to reach them in a magical way, understanding the eyes through which they see the world and creatively introducing ways to explore their emotions, ideas and interactions. She makes self awareness fun and natural, teaching with relevance, playfulness and acceptance. She can reach children who are withdrawn, angry, or overwhelmed, as well as children who will simply benefit from a sincere connection with a caring adult. Good teachers know that the best teaching tool is that of modeling. Ellen models kindness, curiosity, mindfulness and love.”

-Megan Cowan, a founder and executive director of Mindful Schools

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“Ellen was a guest speaker for one of my undergraduate psychology courses The Science of Happiness. She taught a 3-hour class by guiding students through different meditation techniques, probing students for how they were reacting to the meditation and answering every question they asked. I received numerous emails from students stating that Ellen’s class was their favorite of the entire semester; one student wrote: I am totally inspired by Ellen and so thankful that you gave us this opportunity to be exposed to meditation. As an instructor for nearly seven years, I have rarely seen anyone lead a college class as superbly as Ellen did that day. I hope she will come to many of my classes to teach my students as her skills and abilities were exceptional. I would recommend her instruction on meditation for any college class.”

— Dr. Ryan Howell, Psychology Professor, San Francisco State University

“Ellen’s diverse professional background and excellent interpersonal skills contribute to her ability to establish connections with her students and colleagues that translate into positive results in her classroom. I have observed her teaching students in the Learning Center with complex needs… She positively interacts with students and staff throughout the campus and demonstrates excellent classroom management skills. She quickly connects with children, staff, and families and exudes a positive attitude in every educational setting. With her expertise in mindfulness, Ms. McCarty infused her teaching with strategies to reduce anxiety, maintain focus, and develop a mindset for learning. Ms. McCarty collaborated closely with the other teachers … to provide equity and access to the curriculum for her students. This collaboration ensured that the Learning Center and general education classrooms were connected and integrated.”

— Jennifer Gaboury, prinicipal in SFBA (formerly BRSSD, currently SCSD)

“Ellen is a dedicated and enthusiastic individual. Her expertise in using Common Core State Standards when implementing curriculum was exceptional. I had an opportunity to observe her style with students during her tenure and she was a respectful professional who invested time and effort in supporting marginalized students with special needs… Ms. McCarty is someone whose passion and dedication were clearly displayed in her interaction and delivery of curriculum in the classroom as well as her IEP Meetings… I called her ‘The Child Whisperer.’ “

— Nafeesah Mustafa, former Asst. Principal at San Mateo County Court Schools

“Ellen McCarty has a wonderful rapport with children. Her calm demeanor and non-judgmental style of communicating make her especially suited to working with them. As a special education teacher, I had the opportunity to observe Ellen in several classrooms during the months she taught mindfulness at Lorin Eden School. She presented lessons in a clear, direct fashion and openly discussed areas where the students experienced difficulty. She then encouraged them to use mindfulness tools to overcome each difficulty by connecting mindfulness with tangible real life examples. I would recommend Ellen's mindfulness instruction for children and tweens in a classroom or individual lesson setting.”

— Maree McGuire, RSP, Lorin Eden School, Hayward, Calif.